Help is available

Did you know there are no-cost energy-efficient solutions for those who meet certain income guidelines? Homeowners, renters and property owners can all benefit from free energy upgrades such as:

  • Home energy assessment to identify areas of possible energy improvements
  • Tips on how to save energy
  • Heating system repair and replacement
  • Thermostats
  • Attic, wall and pipe insulation
  • Water-saving showerheads

Homeowners and renters

Income-eligible residents can save energy and save money without spending a dime. Plus, if you’re eligible for assistance, you may also be eligible for free weatherization.

Administered for National Fuel by NYSERDA, the Low Income Usage Reduction Program provides energy-efficient measures like:

  • Insulation
  • Heating system inspections and repairs
  • Caulking and air sealing to reduce drafts
  • And more!

To be eligible, low-income customers must have high usage, along with other factors that would make weatherization measures cost-effective.

Rental property managers

You can benefit from providing your tenants a more comfortable living space and lower energy bills. Energy upgrades on your property will result in:

  • An improved property without a substantial (or any) investment from you
  • Homes that attract and retain long-term renters, helping keep your units filled and revenue steady
  • Lower energy costs that reduce the financial burden on your tenants, making it easier for them to pay their rent on time
  • A better relationship with your tenants
  • Added incentive for tenants to renew their leases

Get started

Apply or see additional program details here.

If you have questions, please contact NYSERDA between 8:00 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday at 1-877-NYSMART (1-877-697-6278). Please have your National Fuel account number available when calling.